The Hamilton History Centre holds an extensive collection of copies of original and transcript records from the various churches and schools, including marriage and burial records as well as school pupil lists.
Hamilton Town Hall, 1942
Gray Street State School 1930
Alexandra College Hamilton 1872-1962
Bahgallah State School 1870’s - 1996
Bahgallah State School 1892-1971 (not complete)
Bochara Students 1939-1950
Branxholme South State School 1892-1912
Branxholme State School - 1863, 1886-1914
Brimpaen Primary School from 1884
Brit Brit State School 1927-1948
Buckley Swamp 1932-1974
Bulart School
Burn Brae 1928-1955
Cavendish - see book Roll Call for pupils 1865-1990
Cavendish State School 1865-1990
Chetwynd State School 1905-1958
Condah State School 1871-1900
Condah State School 1900-1952
Condah South Pre 1893
Culla State School 1938-1973
Dergholm State School 1876-1979
Digby State School 1913-1922
Gazette 1925-1953
Gray Street State School, Hamilton 1901-1960, 6 volumes
Hamilton Academy 1870-1900
Hamilton North State School 1944-1955
Hensley Park 1928-1961
Henty – date range not known
Kent Road State School (Hamilton) 1962-2002
Konongwootong North State School 1927-1977
Macarthur State School 1891-1906, 1925-1955
McLennan, Mr & Mrs - list of pupils in 1860
Monivae (Portland Rd) 1913-1946
Myamyn State School 1905-1951
Pigeon Ponds State School 1904-1909
South Branxholme State School 1892-1912
Springwood State School 1955-1963
Tahara – date range not known
Talisker - date range not known
Wallacedale North State School 1909-1970
Wallacedale North State School Pre 1909
Wando Vale State School 1900-1944
Wando Vale State School 1900-1944 Teachers Absence list
Warrayure 1893-1987
Warrayure Lutheran School 1893-1987
Wurt Wurt Koort – date range not known
Yulecart State School 1938-1968
Marriage records vary in format and in the information included. Our collections have been painstakingly transcribed from the original Church records and may include details such as the bride and groom’s names, ages (and possibly dates of birth), birthplaces, residences, occupations, date and location of the marriage, names of witnesses, condition (bachelor, spinster, widow, or widower), parents’ names, parents’ occupations, and the name of the officiant.
Marriage transcripts held by the Hamilton History Centre include:
Condah Church of England Marriage Records
Hamilton Church of England Marriages 1902-1913
Hamilton Church of England Marriages 1913-1923
Hamilton Church of England Marriages 1923-1935
Hamilton Church of England Marriages 1859-1901
Church of England Marriages 1935-1941
Hamilton Church of England Marriage Records
Hamilton Presbyterian Marriages 1860-1864
Hamilton Presbyterian Marriages 1859-1880
Hamilton Presbyterian Marriages 1880-1902
Hamilton Presbyterian
Marriages 1904-1912
Hamilton Presbyterian Marriages 1912-1920
Hamilton Methodist Church Marriages 1969-1977
Hamilton Mission District Anglican Church
Birth Records 1881-2007
Hamilton Roman Catholic Marriages 1887-1901
Hamilton Roman Catholic Marriages 1871-1886
Hamilton Roman Catholic Marriages 1863-1871
St Andrews Presbyterian Church Marriages 1921-1925, 1926-1931, 1954-1957, 1958-1962
For an example of what may be contained in these records, please click this image:
Photocopies of these marriage records are available for purchase.
FEESByaduk Methodist Baptisms 1903-1917
Casterton Church of England Baptisms 1856-1863
Condah/Macarthur Church of England Baptism
Records 1925-1970
Hamilton Church of England Baptism Record 1855-1923
Hamilton Church of England Baptism Record 1924-1987
Hamilton Presbyterian Baptisms 1869-1914
Hamilton Presbyterian Baptisms 1914-1960
Hamilton Presbyterian Baptisms 1961-1986
Hamilton Roman Catholic Baptisms 1862-1889
Hamilton Roman Catholic Baptisms 1890-1904
Hamilton Roman Catholic Baptisms 1894-1907
Hamilton Roman Catholic Baptisms 1905-1907
Hamilton Roman Catholic Baptisms 1907-1919
Hamilton Roman Catholic Baptisms 1919-1938
Hamilton Primitive Methodist Baptisms 1877-1902
Hamilton Methodist Church Baptisms 1861-1957
Hamilton/Macarthur Church of England Birth
Records 1997-2009
Penshurst Church of England Birth &
Baptism Records 1888-2006
Penshurst Church of England Baptisms 1890-1956
Portland Methodist Baptisms 1858-1893
Tabor Lutheran Church Baptism Record 1921-1960
Tahara Church of England Baptisms 1881-1973
Cavendish Presbyterian Church 1815-1895
Hamilton Church of Christ Marriages 1936-1972
Merino Presbyterian Church 1901-1927
Boram Boram, Penshurst Burial Records 1866-1986
Branxholme Burial Records 1852-1982
Church of England Burial Records 1926-1976
Hamilton Church of England Burial Records
St Luke’s Lutheran Church, Hamilton Death Register 1865-1947
St Michael’s Lutheran Church, Tarrington Death Register 1855-1982
South Hamilton Lutheran Cemetery 1855-2020
The Roman Catholic Church in Lonsdale Street, Hamilton, 1930
The Methodist Church in Lonsdale Street, Hamilton, 1930
The Church of England and the Presbyterian Church in Gray Street, Hamilton, 1930